Maths and Numeracy

Foundation Stage
Pupils acquire early mathematical concepts through activities that involve sorting, matching, comparing, classifying, and making patterns and sequences in different contexts. These activities should involve children in playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, and asking and answering questions.
As developing mathematical language is fundamentally important, talking about work has a high priority in the early years. By engaging in a wide variety of activities, children begin to understand mathematical language and then use this language to talk about their work. Children should have opportunities to develop their skills in mental mathematics during counting activities, by playing games and in their daily classroom routines.
For further details see the Statutory Requirement of Mathematics and Numeracy at Foundation Stage.
Curriculum Objectives
The learning opportunities Mathematics and Numeracy provide help young people to develop as:
individuals, contributors to society, and contributors to the economy and environment.
The Cross-Curricular Skill of Using Mathematics
- Using Mathematics is the skill of applying mathematical concepts, processes and understanding appropriately in a variety of contexts. Ideally, these should be in relevant real-life situations that require a mathematical dimension. Pupils acquire and consolidate their mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills in the Area of Learning for Mathematics and Numeracy.
- For further details on Using Mathematics, see Using Mathematics at Foundation Stageon the Curriculum section of the CCEA website.
- Assessing Using Mathematics at Foundation Stage
- Assessing how well a pupil has used mathematics in a variety of different contexts across the curriculum helps you to monitor and track the effectiveness of the numeracy strategies in your school.
- For details on the assessment of Using Mathematics, see Assessment at Foundation Stageon the Curriculum section of the CCEA website.
Key Stage 1 & 2
Numeracy is the development and application of mathematics across the curriculum and in real-life situations. Skills in numeracy should help children to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
Throughout the primary school, children should engage in a wide range of purposeful activities which should involve them in different modes of mathematical learning, including playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, asking questions, reflecting, drafting, reading and recording.
The sections of the programme for Mathematics and Numeracy interrelate. Processes in Mathematics should pervade the entire programme, involving children in using and applying mathematics in practical tasks, real-life problems and within mathematics itself.
Count, Read: Succeed
Count, Read: Succeed, A Strategy to Improve Outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy
Count, Read: Succeed, A Strategy to Improve Outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy
Further details on the strategy can be found on
Statutory Requirements for Mathematics and Numeracy at Key Stage 1
36.42 KB - uploaded 13-02-2014 Statutory Requirements for Mathematics and Numeracy at Key Stage 2
38.39 KB - uploaded 13-02-2014 Non Statutory Guidance for Assessing Using Mathematics at Key Stages 1 and 2
521.2 KB - uploaded 13-02-2014 Revised Lines of Development for Mathematics and Numeracy: Processes in Mathematics
87.7 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Number: Understanding Number and Number Notation | Patterns, Relationships and Sequences | Money
176.61 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Number: Multiplication | Multiplication and Division | Division
143.23 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Number: Addition | Addition and Subtraction | Subtraction
155.03 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Measures
158.38 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Shape and Space
99.67 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014 Handling Data
155.79 KB - uploaded 13-01-2014
Helping your child learn Maths at home

Helping your child learn at home in Maths and Numeracy
In the street
- Recognising bus numbers
- Number plate hunt. Who can find a 7? Add the numbers up.
- Comparing door numbers
- Counting – how many lampposts on the way to school?
Doing the washing
- Counting in 2s – matching shoes
- Sorting by colour and size.
- Matching/pairing up socks.
- Find four shoes that are different sizes. Can you put them in order?
- What day is it yesterday, today, tomorrow?
- Use timers, phones and clocks to measure short periods of time.
- Count down 10/ 20 seconds to get to the table/ into bed etc.
- Recognising numbers on the clock. If you cover a number, what number was missing?
- Can you cut your toast into 4 pieces? Can you cut it into triangles?
- Setting the table. Counting the right number of plates etc. How many more do we need?
- Can you make shapes/ patterns out of the knives and forks. Can you put them in the right place in the drawers?
- Helping with the cooking by measuring and counting ingredients.
- Setting the timer.
- Positional language at dinner time: what is on the rice, where are the carrots etc?
Going shopping
- Reading price tags
- Counting items into the basket
- Finding and counting coins
- Comparing weights – which is heavier
- Are you taller than a …?
- Marking height on the wall.
- Cut hand shapes out of paper. How many hands long is the couch? How long is the table? Which is longer?
- Who has the biggest hands in our family?
- How many steps from the gate to the front door?
- Cut a potato into shapes (circles, triangle etc). Use with paint to make pictures and patterns.
- Cut out shapes from coloured paper/ newspaper and arrange into pictures.
- Shape hunt: Can you find a square in your house (windows etc), a circle …
Here’s a simple recipe:
1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon cooking oil
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
Half a cup of salt
food colouring and essences (optional)
Put all ingredients in a large saucepan, and heat slowly, stirring all the time until it forms a ball. Keep it wrapped in clingfilm or in a covered tub to stop it drying out.
Then ….
- Make numerals and shapes
- Sort shapes into groups, or order by size
- Make long and short wiggly snakes.
- Putting cards into piles
- Jigsaws (you can make your own by cutting up a magazine picture)
- Snap (matching pairs) or Happy Families (collect 4 of a kind)
- Snakes and ladders or other simple dice games.
- Adding numbers on two dice.
- Bingo, with numbers or shapes
- Hopscotch
Number rhymes and songs
Eg: 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
4 little monkeys jumping on the bed …
Your child can teach you lots more or try this website which has the words and sings it for you:
Internet maths games:
Please visit our online Maths games to play interactive games to support your child’s learning.
World Maths Day

Pupils recently celebrated World Maths Day at St Patrick’s. Please have a look at our wonderful learning on display across from the school office. We had so much fun and the children enjoyed completing some the following activities:
- Maths Treasure Hunt
- Maths/Art lesson
- Playing their Maths games (that they created at home)
Treasure Hunts
The treasure hunt was very exciting as the children completed them in class or went around the school looking for different clues. They had to solve different mathematical problems in order to get the next clue to complete the treasure hunt.
Maths/Art lesson:
We love colour in St Patrick’s! Each year group completed a Maths lesson through Art by recreating their own interpretation of the following artists work;
FS: Piet Mondrian – (prime colours, straight lines)
KS1: Waissly Kadinsky - (abstract art circles/lines/colours).
P5 - Bruce Bilney (tessellation, activities and websites provided).
P6/7 – Bruce Gray (segmented geometric shapes and bright colours).
Maths games
Wow, what amazing creative children at St Patrick’s. The children worked very hard in creating amazing Maths games to be played in class with their peers for World Maths Day. Each child will receive a certificate for their hard work. Please look at us playing the games on the slideshow.
Maths games online
St Patrick's Primary School, Church View, Holywood BT18 9LN
Phone: 028 9042 4772